Workshops, seminars

//Workshops, seminars

Final Class performance

23. 06. 2021, Zoom Final Class performance We ended the school year 2020/2021 with a Final Class performance with piano accompaniment recordings in the pleasant and relaxed atmosphere of the TISA terrace in Izola. Recordings by accompanists: Nelfija Paliska and Nena Rion. Julija Marušić, 1. r. kljunasta flavta Ela Sedmak, 2. r. kljunasta flavta Špela Nemarnik, 2. r. Teja Poljak, 2. r. Enej Gržančić, 5. r. Katja Filipič, 7. r. Jana Ilić, 1. l. UG Maruša Gjerek, 3. l. UG Nika Može, 3. l. UG [...]

23 June, 2021|

Masterclass – tips

29. 04. 2021 –online, Dominican Republic Conservatorio Nacional de Música, Clase Magistral Virtual de Flauta de la Maestra Alenka Zupan (Eslovenia) Short Masterclass for students of the Conservatorio Nacional de Música, Dominican Republic. Participants (flute students, other instruments and professors) received appropriate guidance in playing the instrument and musical expression. The emphasis was on the importance of proper, conscious practice, breathing, sound creation, instrumental expression [...]

29 April, 2021|

Mini Masterclass – Silvia Careddu

02. and 07. 04. 2021, Zoom Mini Masterclass with flute prof. Silvia Careddu (France, Germany/Italy) Lecturer: Silvia Careddu I organized Mini Masterclass for my flute students of the Koper Artistic Gymnasium and Koper Music School, led by the famous flutist and professor at Conservatoire et Académie Supérieure de Musique de Strasbourg (France) and Hochschule für Musik ‘Hanns Eisler’ Berlin (Germany), Silvia Careddu. [...]

7 April, 2021|

Carnival Class performance

16. 02. 2021, Zoom Carnival Class performance Unfortunately, we were forced to perform the Carnival class performance online. The virtual performance for my  students was performed online with the recordings by the pianists: Nelfi Paliska and Nena Rion. Julija Marušić, 1st year klj. fl. Ela Sedmak, 2nd year klj. fl. Špela Nemarnik, 2nd year Teja Poljak, 2nd year Lucija Bucaj, 3rd year Enej Gržančić, 5th year Lara Šramel, 5th year Katja Filipič, 7th year Jana Ilić, 1st year UG Maruša Gjerek, 3rd [...]

16 February, 2021|

New Year Class performance – online

21. 12. 2020, Zoom New Year Class performance - online Žal smo bili tudi tokrat primorani izpeljati novoletni razredni nastop na daljavo. Virtualni nastop za učence, dijakinje in njihove starše je potekal v domačem okolju s posnetki korepetitorjev: Nelfija Paliska in Nene Rion. Predstavili so se s klasičnim in novoletnim programom: Julija Marušić, 1st year klj. flavta – fife Ela Sedmak, 2nd year klj. fl. Špela Nemarnik, 1st year Teja Poljak, 2nd year Lucija Bucaj, 3rd year Enej Gržančić, 4th yea [...]

21 December, 2020|

Interview – JPO Malaysia

18. 11. 2020, live family program, Malaysia JPO-Jesselton Philharmonic Orchestra, Malaysia Interview: Music is life Author: Ling Yap [...]

18 November, 2020|

Mini Masterclass – Jasmine Choi

04. 11. 2020, Zoom Mini Masterclass with famous flutist Jasmine Choi Lecturer: Jasmine Choi. I organized Mini Masterclass for my flute students of the Koper Artistic Gymnasium and Koper Music School, led by the famous flutist, Jasmine Choi. It was wonderful and unforgettable experience for all students. [...]

4 November, 2020|

October Class performance

19. 10. 2020, Zoom October Class performance with students of Koper Music School Unfortunately, we were forced to perform the first class performance online. The virtual performance for my Music School students was performed online with the recordings by the pianist: Nelfi Paliska. Ela Sedmak, 2nd year klj. fl. Špela Nemarnik, 1st year Teja Poljak, 2nd year Lucija Bucaj, 3rd year Enej Gržančić, 4th year Lara Šramel, 5th year Katja Filipič, 7th year [...]

19 October, 2020|

Class performance – online

08. 05. 2020, Zoom Class performance - online I don’t usually point out classroom performances, but it was a really noteworthy experience. For the first time since I have been teaching, I have had to adapt and carry out online teaching, like all other colleagues who teach, due to the situation in the world (you can read more about this experience in the blog). All the students during this period were very hardworking, so I decided to organize a virtual performance for the students and their pare [...]

8 May, 2020|

WORKSHOP – Performance

01. 02. 2020, Bučar Music School, Ljubljana WORKSHOP Performance This time, the students of the Bučar Music School in Ljubljana experienced rehearsal exercises. By knowing relaxation techniques, exercises to make contact with themselves and audience, they strengthened concentration and found strength in themselves for good communication. [...]

1 February, 2020|